If you would like to join us by financially giving
We need partners to help – in reaching the people of Europe.
As well as organising outreach events both in Europe and the UK
we also help equip Christians and Churches in word and Spirit
to reach out with the power of the Gospel.
You can help
However big or small your regular or one-off gifts are gratefully appreciated.
Your generosity will significantly help us in this Gospel mandate.
Thank you
For UK tax payers a one-off or monthly donation may be made through stewardship services. Please follow the link www.give.net
Bank details France
Martin Chapman
PNB Paribas, Evian-les-Bains (00448)
Numéro de compte 0001275928
Clé RIB 57
IBAN FR76 3000 4004 4800 0012 7592 857
Bank details Switzerland
Martin Chapman
PostFinance Suisse
IBAN CH14 0900 0000 6150 7223 8
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